

Beware of Inaction

Winston Churchill said, “I never worry about action, but only inaction.”  God gives us gifts, capabilities, interests, loves, and passions so we’ll put them into action and bear fruit for him.  Perfectionism, fear of failure, and plain old laziness can paralyze us into inaction, but we have to remember that the greatest failure is not trying. 

Remember the servant in Matthew 25:15 who was entrusted by his master with a talent of gold.  Instead of putting the gold to use and producing more wealth, he buried it in the ground out of fear of losing it.  The master didn’t reward the servant’s caution.  He called the servant “wicked and slothful”, gave his gold to a more industrious servant, and cast the slothful servant into the “outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 25:26-30)

Don’t be slothful or afraid.  Make the most of the life you have.  Put your gifts and loves into action.  You’ll make mistakes, but you’ll also do good things, and your God will be pleased. -Paul